Ikast Etiket - Labelyourself

Waiting tickets on roll

  • In stock
  • 1,000 tickets on a roll
  • Consecutive numbers
Delivered to you: 4-5 March
Delivery price: £4, FREE delivery over £20

Use waiting tickets for easy control of the queue

Are you looking for an easy way to administer the queue in your shop or at your event? Then our waiting tickets on a roll are a cheap and durable solution.

They have consecutive numbers on roll and each roll contains 1,000 waiting tickets.

Waiting tickets are available in 5 different colours (pink, green, purple, red and yellow).

Find our full range of tickets etc.
Price £ (Including VAT)


  • Come in rolls of 1,000 waiting tickets.
  • Available in 5 different colours: pink, green, purple, red and yellow.
  • Standard size is 30 x 35 mm.

Are you looking for an easy way to administer the queue in your store or at your event?

Then our waiting tickets on roll are an inexpensive and durable solution.

They have consecutive numbers on roll and each roll contains 1,000 waiting tickets.

We also supply as double tickets.

Waiting tickets with consecutive numbers on roll.

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