In collaboration with Copenhagen Pride, Label Yourself has designed a package for the sale of Pride wristbands. The sale of wristbands is designed to raise money for Copenhagen Pride and help promote work with human rights and gender equality locally and internationally. The sales display was designed according to their wishes and features woven wristbands in specially designed plastic packaging.
If you work in a company, organisation or an association that intends to start a fundraising campaign, we can recommend the sale of wristbands. We can design a total solution with a display designed in accordance with your wishes.
The display can be placed in shops and restaurants and is a great way to advertise, enlighten and raise money for a good cause.
If you want a similar solution or have something completely different in mind, you are welcome to contact us at 020 3455 8270 or via the form below. We love a good challenge.
You can find our range of
charity wristbands here.
Get attention with support wristbands
With support wristbands, you don't just collect money. You also create awareness of the matter. A wristband on the wrist of an ambassador is the best attention you can get.
The wristbands from Wacken Festival are an example of how a festival raised money, since the concerts could not be held during the corona shutdown. The bracelets were sold in packs of 4. From the factory, the wristbands were put on a piece of cardboard and wrapped in plastic - ready to hang on sales displays.