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Fabric pens - the best on the market

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  • Very cheap solution
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Delivered to you: 7-10 March
Delivery price: £4, FREE delivery over £20

Fabric pens are a fast way to mark your belongings

Fabric pens are an easy way to mark up your clothes. Just write the name on and you are done. So, if you need to mark up your childrens clothes very quickly, fabric pens are an excellent solution.

Fabric pens are not a long-lasting solution like iron-on name labels or woven name labels, but can be a good solution for textiles which are not washed frequently.

Fabric pens are not visible on dark fabrics, but there is often a white care label in the clothing, which you can write on.

Not what you were looking for? Here you will find our full range of name tags.
Price £ (Including VAT)


  • Withstand at least 5 washes at 40º - the durability depends very much on the fabric and on how it is washed.
  • Easy and quick to use.
  • Not visible on dark fabric.

PRYM from Germany offers the best fabric pens on the market.

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